Das gute Gefühl der richtigen Wahl

Wirtschaftsfachoberschule Auer
Bildstöcklweg 12, I-39040 Auer, Tel. 0471 81 05 34
E-Mail: wfo.auer@schule.suedtirol.it
PEC: ofl.auer@pec.prov.bz.it


Internationaler Fremdsprachenwettbewerb

On March, 1st Johannes Gruber and Daniel Peer from both 5th classes made their way to Innsbruck to participate at the “Tiroler Fremdsprachenwettbewerb”...

There were two rounds at which our candidates had to talk in English about economic and socio-cultural issues in front of an international commission. Even if we were not able to win it was good experience that both students would not want to miss.
Prof. Ulrike Winkler