Das gute Gefühl der richtigen Wahl

Wirtschaftsfachoberschule Auer
Bildstöcklweg 12, I-39040 Auer, Tel. 0471 81 05 34
E-Mail: wfo.auer@schule.suedtirol.it
PEC: ofl.auer@pec.prov.bz.it


E-Mail aus Bournemouth/England: Ilaria Russo im Auslandsjahr

“By now I have already spent 2 weeks away from home. I'm in England, in Bournemouth...

Bournemouth is a city in the south of England with about 200.000 inhabitants. I arrived in this beautiful town on August 30th. I felt immediately at ease because my host family treated me like a daughter. They also showed me the most beautiful places in Bournemouth. School started on September 4th. I started going to “Avonbourne”, my new school.
At the beginning it was very difficult for me to follow the lessons as everybody speaks a very fast English but after two weeks I got used to it. The school system is totally different from Italian schools. I start school at 8.35 a.m. and finish at 3.35 p.m.
The first hour is called "registration" where we are registered if we are absent or present. Then for the rest of the hour we are told the news of the day and we discuss the most interesting articles of the daily newspaper.
I have 5 subjects: Drama, Media Studies, Maths, English and Spanish. We also have 5 hours of "private studies" where we can study or do homework. We can use computers, books and photocopiers. All exams are done at the end of the year (2019). I feel great at this school, people are kind and helpful. My host family is also fantastic. It will be an experience that I will not easily forget.
For everyone who would like to do a year abroad DO IT. It is a unique experience and this experience will always remain etched in your heart and it will be useful for your future.”